Creative Arts Inclusion Programs

Currently on hold

Encouraging Social Skills through Creative Arts Therapy

An Inclusion Program is an afternoon program facilitating development of social skills for children with varying disabilities. Our school is already an inclusive environment in which children with varying disabilities and typical children are interacting daily in the classroom. Children with disabilities in other schools spend significantly less time in interactions with their peers than do typically developing children.

What are the goals of the program?

Our goal is to facilitate creative arts therapy sessions and classroom activities that promote dynamic interactions between children and the environment.

How will I know about my child’s day?

You will be given access to our YCCA app where you will receive pictures and a daily report each day.

What will my child’s day look like at YCCA?

3:15pm to 3:30pm – DROP OFF/SNACK/WELCOME

3:30pm to 4:00pm – Art or Movement Therapy

“YCCA” preschool and daycare center, housed on the property of historic Old Swedes Church at Water & Christian streets and 1714 South 2nd street “YCCAon2.”